Title: What Snail Knows
Author: Kathryn Apel
Illustrator: Mandy Foot
Publisher: University of Queensland Press
Publication Date: 1st March 2022
ISBN: 9780702265464
For ages: 8-12
Type: Picture Book
Themes: Friendship, Environment, Community, Poverty, Belonging
Calling all readers 8 and above! Get your hands on ‘What Snail knows’ by Queensland author Kathryn Apel and Adelaide illustrator Mandy Foot. Kathryn Apel wrote ‘Too many friends’ a few years ago – a book about confident and popular Year 2 Tahnee who befriends Lucy, the new quiet girl at school.
‘What Snail knows’ is Lucy’s story. It is gentle, beautifully illustrated and written in short verses. Lucy is lonely and moves around a lot with her dad. Lucy’s only friend is her pet snail (called Snail) and Dad says they don’t need anyone else. This book shows how it feels to always be the new kid and have no-one to rely on. It explores what a community can do together, includes important info about the environment, and encourages bravery and kindness. In the end Lucy wonders if maybe she, Dad and Snail can stay and make a home this time – do you think they will?
Reviewed by Kylie Grant